The Biology Department at Clark University is looking for talented students to pursue Ph.D.s.
We have a close-knit, friendly community with 12 (soon to be 13) research-active faculty representing diverse branches of life sciences. In academic year 2022-23, we are particularly seeking students to join the following research groups:
- Dr. Chandra Jack: Eco-evolutionary dynamics of biotic interactions (microbe-microbe, plant-microbe, plant-insect, and all combinations). Currently, our main focus is symbioses between diazotrophs and their host plants.
- Dr. Jacqueline Dresch: Understanding transcriptional regulation in fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) through mathematical modeling, bioinformatics, and parameter estimation.
- Dr. Javier Tabima Restrepo: Genomic evolution, diversity, ecology, and taxonomy of fungal species and populations, especially Basidiobolus.
These labs collaborate closely with other groups with wide-ranging interests in ecology of microbes and plant-insect interactions, evolutionary biomechanics in squamates, fungal systematics, evolution of nervous systems, nitrogen metabolism in phytoplankton and other photosynthethic organisms, Drosophila genetics, mechanisms of cytokinesis in Dictyostelium, and other areas.
At present, there are 14 Ph.D. students in Biology at Clark, along with master’s students and postdoctoral fellows. We normally guarantee at least five years of support, and a full tuition waiver. For details on support and application processes, see the Biology Department graduate studies web pages. For specific information about research opportunities, please get in touch with the faculty listed above.
Worcester is a vibrant, multicultural city in central Massachusetts. We are about an hour from Boston to the east and Providence, R.I., to the south. There are great opportunities for outdoor recreation in Worcester County, as well as easy day trips or weekends to the ocean or the mountains.
Please contact individual professors via email:
- Chandra Jack,
- Jacqueline Dresch,
- Javier Tabima Restrepo,
We look forward to hearing from you.