Student Support
Clark University is a place where providing international students with what they need to achieve their academic and personal goals is paramount.
Programs for International Students
Throughout the year, Clark University hosts many different events, workshops, and programs designed specifically for international students at Clark. All events are posted on Clark Engage and Instagram. Examples of our offerings include:
- Coffee hours, brown bag lunches, and other social events
- OPT and CPT workshops
- Information sessions on topics like driving in the U.S., the U.S. health care systems, and tenant rights
- Skills sessions on topics like class participation, group work, and time management
Each semester, International Student Welcome (ISW) programming provides advice to incoming students on ways to be successful living and learning at a University in the United States.
Language and Culture Support
- American Language and Culture Institute (ALCI): Clark University’s American Language and Culture Institute (ALCI) offers programs and workshops designed to help students meet their English language learning goals. No matter where our students are living, whether on-campus or abroad, we have programs that cater to improving language skills for academic, professional, or personal reasons. Whether the goal is succeeding in an American college or university, holding a conversation, or improving professional language, we strive to ensure advancement in English proficiency.
- Writing Center: The Writing Center provides resources, including individual appointments with writing consultants to suggest strategies to strengthen and improve written work.
- Center for Counseling and Personal Growth: Coming to a new country to live and study can be challenging. The Center for Counseling and Personal Growth’s (CPG) dedicated team of psychologists, counselors, and interns provides a range of clinical services. These services include solution-focused first-time appointments, individual counseling, group therapy/drop-in discussion groups, crisis intervention, and psychiatry services. Services are confidential.
- Dean of Students CARE Team: The Office of the Dean of Students offers Student Support Resources to all students. The Dean of Students CARE (Campus Assessment, Response, and Education) Team, overseen by the Office of the Dean of Students at Clark University, is focused on creating sustainable systems of support that are accessible, inclusive, and equitable so students can thrive to reach their full potential.
Academic Support
- Office for Academic Support: The Office for Academic Support aims to help all students achieve their full academic potential. All tutoring services are free and available to current Clark undergraduate students.
- Student Accessibility Services (SAS): Although Clark does not offer a specialized program or learning center for students with disabilities, the University does provide support for qualified students who register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS). Students can receive staff assistance to coordinate academic and residential accommodations and other services on campus. SAS reviews accommodations requests for undergraduates and graduate students.
Career Advising
All Clark students have access to specialized career advising. It is important to take advantage of these services upon arrival at Clark. Please see information below specific to your school or degree.
- The Career Connections Center provides Clark undergraduate students with career advising.
- The Stevenish Career Management Center provides School of Business graduate students professional development education that prepares them to manage their careers throughout their lifetime.
- The Department of Sustainability and Social Justice (SSJ) Career Development Office provides students with one-on-one advising, job search strategies, resume and cover letter review, interview training, networking skills, and alumni connections.
- School of Professional Studies (SPS): Todd Bartlett, Director of Experiential Learning, is the first point of contact. Todd delivers career services assistance through provision of one-on-one advising, workshops, career programs, and resources. Todd works with companies to engage with SPS students through capstones and short-term projects. Please reach out to Todd at for additional information.
Third Culture Kids (TCKs)
The term “Third Culture” encompasses the expatriate culture in which the student often lives, the culture of their passport country, and the culture of their host country.
Clark University is home to a vibrant community of Third Culture Kids, sometimes referred to as “Global Nomads.”
The Office of Global Engagement offers support services to Clark’s TCK community.
International Students and Scholars Office
142 Woodland St.
Clark Office of Global Engagement at Corner House
Worcester, MA 01610 - 1-508-793-7362
- isso[at]clarku[dot]edu
9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday – Friday